Friday Night... Dagger is hosting a Head to Head Downriver Race down the competition channel from 7 to 9 pm. Great prizes, good fun and gargantuan carnage. $5 entry fee to participate. Registration is between 5 and 7 pm and the Kayak Check-In building.
Saturday... Jerry's Baddle is on! An extreme kayak and road bike race to benefit ALS research and the Green River Access Fund. Check out their website LiquidLogic is hosting the party afterwards.
ALSO, Dagger will be having free boat demos at the USNWC all day.
Sunday... We'll be recouperating from St. Patty's day by joining Pat Keller and his "boofs and barley" clinic. Learn how to boat scout, catch micro-eddies and take better boof strokes. Call our reservations to book your spot. (704) 391-3900. 10% of proceeds are donated to American Whitewater.
AND... the Cheoah is releasing, the Cascades are coming up, the Ocoee is on...choices, choices, choices.
Everybody have a great weekend, stay safe, paddle hard.