When you walk into Kayak Check-In anyone of our Front Desk staff are able to help you with any of these products as well as shoot the breeze.
When Erin isn't hanging out with Logan, her adorable all-American retreiver mix, she is busy working behind the desk listening to some classic rock. Brittany just finished college so we aren't all that sure what she'll be doing when she's not at the Center because there won't be classes and two other jobs to juggle anymore. Essentially, Brit will be here a lot this season to answer any of your questions and talk to you about kayaking. Ted, if he hasn't told you already, is the best employee of the entire of Whitewater Center and once you meet him and hear him laugh you'll understand why that's true. Jessi will show you some of her ballet moves when the line dies down a little. If she isn't twirling she is working hard to make sure the kayak area stays orderly and ready for our high volume of guests. Anna has recently joined the Kayak Front Desk as a part time gig away from working as an ER Nurse. She is quick with a story and has that type of personality that gets along with just about anybody. Now that Casey is on the US Slalom team as a C2 contender he is busy training for an Olympic spot in his spare time from being part of this team. Although Becca has been working at the Center for over a year she is our newest member of the Front Desk staff. Her background in reservations along with her infectious smile is a fantastic attribute to this group of folks.
So, next time you're in Kayak Check-In be sure to say hello to Erin, Brittany, Ted, Jessi, Anna, Casey or Becca. They're super knowlegdable of all our products and are quick with a thumbs up for any photo op.