Thursday, September 11, 2008

Teen and Youth Kayak Programs Start Sept 23rd



This fall USNWC Instruction introduces the teen whitewater program for youth ages 12 to 16. Sign up for either the four or eight week course. Within the first four week program we will work on foundational skills in river running, safety and swift water rescue. Students can continue into the second four week program where we will focus on the different disciplines of kayaking including slalom, freestyle and creeking.

When? Session 1: September 23 – October 16th Every Tuesday and Thursday

Session 2: October 21- Nov 13 Every Tuesday and Thursday

Who? Ages 12-16

Time? 5-7pm

Cost? $350 each session or $650 if they sign up for both.

Gear? Boat, paddle, skirt, helmet and PFD are provided. Please bring nose plugs.


The after school program is the next step in taking your child’s paddling to a new level. Geared towards our campers from the summer of 2008, our 8-week program will be more skill intensive. We ensure the progress of our young students with a 1:3 instructor to student ratio, initially focusing on the kayak roll. From there we will discuss, practice and form your child into a capable, aware and self-sufficient paddler up to class III. Such skills covered will be water reading and scouting techniques, group management, basic rescue and stroke refinement.

When? September 25 - November 13 Every Thursday

Who? Ages 8-11

Time? 5-7pm

Cost? $350

Gear? Boat, paddle, skirt, helmet and PFD are provided. Please bring nose plugs.