Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The IceMan Cometh???

I haven't been this confused in a long time. I've been waiting for one of the staff to send me the pictures of the recent IceMan competition on the Saluda thinking I would post some info on the race, congratulate Pablo, Jon and Daniel for their participation and lend thanks to the event organizers. I had even already written up a little witty schpiel (italicized below) to paste on the blog once I got the pictures. After downloading the pictures this morning, the confusion began.

What type of race is this???The boys told me they stomped it, they told me it was tough competition but they pulled through. I even let them borrow boats to help ensure a victory. But when I open the first picture of Pablo smiling from an innertube I am definately starting to feel a little hoodwinked and bamboozled.

Jon was neither going forward nor was he "stomping it" as the three of them proclaimed.

Daniel looks as though he is posing for the camera rather than barreling through the thick masses of competitors.

Here's the original write up on the event:
The 8th Annual IceMan Championship and Millrace Massacre took place earlier this month (January 5th to be exact but the winter is flying by so quickly it is difficult to remain exact) on the Saluda River. Pablo, Jon, and Daniel decided to bring the noise, bring the pain all the way to Columbia to tempt their fate at freezing cold temps and must-make moves.
The Millrace Massacre is a time trials for boats 8'6" and under, with several must-make eddies.
The Iceman Championship is a mass start downriver head-to-head race with no length limit that also involves paddling back upstream, running, and even swimming. This race states that "it truly separates the men from the boyz". The event has been put on by the in-famous "SaludaBoyz" or the less gender specific "SaludaKayakerz" for the past several years. Now, I don't know who these good folks from Saluda are or why they defy the rules of grammer constantly replacing a perfectly good s with a z, but I do know that everyone who attended had a great time.

After scrolling through all the pictures I finally did come across one of Pablo "racing" in an actual kayak. Now, I've seen Pablo race before and this is definately not his "game face". He's not even in the boat I let him borrow. I'm very confused.
Next year I'm just going to have to experience this race for myself to see what the real story is. Find out more about this event at and be sure to join in on the fun next January.